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Due Diligence Process

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  1. Using Artificial Intelligence(AI) to Instantly Ident Lucrative Opportunities
dilligence_1Identifying and Sourcing Opportunities Jointer has passive and active sourcing development methods to identify opportunities. The passive method is to let new buyers and existing owners that want to benefit from Jointer’s instant funding apply directly. The active method includes partnering with loan brokers and real estate agents that can refer Jointer to new buyers and existing owners.
dilligence_2Deep Underwriting Jointer underwrites opportunities by checking the owner’s track record as well as the propertyand local market. Every property goes through six levels of underwriting, including the sharing economy model with analysts, AI analysis, and obtaining an independent appraisal report.
dilligence_3Title Check A third-party title company will be used to verify all property details, from ownership to existing mortgages, liens, or other interests/claims.

Using Artificial Intelligence(AI) to Instantly Ident Lucrative Opportunities

Jointer’s goal is to identify the best real estate opportunities with both low risk and high ROI. Todo this, Jointer will analyze an enormous number of properties using AI, something individual investors do on every property they invest in.

Jointer has spent the last three years developing a highly effective advanced machine learning system. This system can complete a comprehensive analysis of properties in less than five seconds. This technology allows Jointer to select and quickly analyze the best opportunities and investments just like professional real estate investors do manually.

Quick initial analysis allows Jointer to rapidly and cost effectively qualify properties for further due diligence. In order to analyze and predict a property’s future valuation that includes risk and potential ROI performance, the algorithm requires nothing more than the property’s street address.


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